Vivekanand College Kolhapur

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

This blog will clear the picture of VCK in your minds ...........


Introduction :
  • I wont write about the history of college because you ll get it anywhere on Internet  , but  i am gonna write about the current matters going around in the college mostly related to Science stream .
  • Vivekanand college & New Model Junior College share the same campus
Status :
  • VCK is the best college in Kolhapur w.r.t. popularity,education,sports & other city-famous activities !!!
Inside the College :
  • Well sometimes you ll find it difficult to enter the college because our great watchman may ask for your college id card which we all students keep it very safely in our cupboards !!!! And by doing this we are sometimes denied any entry in college !!!!   But who cares , we have more fun in the college campus than we do in college . Our college campus includes  - Food Court (FC) , Eskimo, Scoop & ex-CCD are the most popular hangouts in our college campus  , muffins , spot in front of ice magic , and many more .Well come back on this some other day .

  • In college firstly you ll find is a big ground shown aside which is boys parking, which is the battle-ground for VCK & NMJC students .You ll see the empty classrooms of  VCK & NMJC (always!!!) because you went the wrong way , this ground is the real VCK , full of life , and always full of  brand new bikes and our studious students of VCK & NMJC will be here !!!!!!!! 

  • This is the best campus in Kolhapur and so many a times you ll find students of other colleges here during their college timings !!!!           

  • This snap alongside displays the girls parking . Well about this part of college nothing needs to be said much because you can see this everywhere that boys try to have quick lap around the parking obviously to look around if their crush has come to college today or no !!!!!!!!!!  Well but sometimes guards(mamas) in brown uniforms deny them the opportunity .

  • Well i ll need a girl partner to write about this which i don't have at this moment , if any girl is interested helping me out then  please contact me on my fb account .

Wake up
  • Wake up in any of the blogs written by me will be a news or a notification which needs an improvement in that matter and you all readers can make it happen .

  • In VCK & NMJC premises you wont find any group consisting of both girls and boys together , which i think displays the mentality of not only VCK &NMJC but also of our kolhapur city .

  • I mean we all students appreciate cities like Mumbai and Pune and some others but we are not adopting this habbit of those cities . I am asking why ? Are we all boys and girls of  VCK & NMJC so backward and narrow minded that we cannot have few nice decent groups of both boys and girls . Or  we just enjoy teasing the boys who talk to girls and vice versa .

  • Some people may say that why is it necessary . I wont answer this question now because you ll get the answer when you ll visit the colleges like Ferguson College , pune or VJTI , Mumbai and many other engineering and medical colleges .

  • These all colleges have a healthy atmosphere around which helps them in their development in many aspects .

  • I know this change is not gonna take place in a day or so but someone or the other has to start and we can do this because i am a VCK student and i have seen the power of VCK & NMJC together .

  • All the best VCK & NMJC .
  • I ll bring some more facts and  info related to VCK & NMJC hope you ll follow this blog & will check it out regularly .

  • Please cast your vote for the pole given below .  

  • Your comments and suggestions are most welcome

                                                                                                            -Pratts .


  1. hi! i'll help..cause this seems really fun.. what do i have to do?

  2. you write decent.

    why there is a bullet for every paragraph?

    about blog topic.......put an issue in a single post that helps reader read......

    hope to hear more stories.....and fascinating actually......

